Thursday 17 November 2016

Beautiful flowers, Sweet Peas, the goddess of sweet scent

Sweet Peas

Sweet peas, best described as the goddess of sweet scent. No flower lover can seem to disagree with that analogy, the beauty of this flower is something that every flower lover should at least encounter in a more that once occurrence rate. We thought it wise as the management of this blog to share this beautiful piece of flower with you so that you can as well go out there and have it for yourself.

What flower are we looking at today?

A brief introduction up there has shown us some light as far as the flower we are sharing today is concerned we believe. Well, special flowers come along with special attention. These sweet peas flowers are the kinds that make you want to play your entire collection of rock and roll music collection. The beauty of this flower is so unbearable that you cannot hide that cute smile whenever your eyes get in contact with it in a well-lit environment, this is absolutely true however much gloomy your face may be.

As a matter of fact, this flower’s looks are not the most popular or the most beautiful act about this flower, my friend, you need to smell the scent of this flower, it is so far the flower with the sweetest scent I have ever came across. I have a friend called Levi, actually, this man is my cousin brother, we used to joke with him that he can deplete the entire room out of oxygen and make us suffocate because of is wide nose, but trust me, the moment you detect the scent of this flower, you will wish to have nostrils as wide open as Levi’s so that you can enjoy it a little bit more. Let’s all hope somebody please does not tell Levi about this.

What is special about this flower?

There are like a million things that are special about this beautiful flower, how I wish we had all the time in the world to share with you every bit of beauty that comes with this flower. Nevertheless, we are going to try our best and share the best talking points that come along with this flower. First and foremost, this flower comes with a kind of look that is Orchid like but with an extra touch of beauty, something that makes it out standing from the entire crowd of beautiful flowers.
As they always tell us in those career guidance lectures, to stand out of the rest and be noticed, well, this flower must have mastered that lecture. 

The most unique feature of this flower is its scent, believe me not, this is the sweetest smelling flower that this blog has ever shared with you. In-fact, due to the very sweet scent that this flower possesses, very many cosmetics companies are hunting for every piece of it to have it among-st their fragrances. It’s amazing how small this flower is but great in beauty and fragrance.

Due to the limitations of time, we would wish to continue but we beg to stop here for today hoping that this small info that we have shared about the SWEET PEAS is going to be very helpful in your search for beautiful flowers mainly now that we are getting close to the Christmas festivities and coming close to a new year.


As always, we cannot forget to remind the word about the sweetness of the natural environment and the strong desire we have in encouraging environmental protection. Never forget that it is this environment that keeps me and you alive every day that goes by. Every time you breathe in, remember that there is a certain tree that is providing you that oxygen delicacy, which means that if you still want to breathe, kindly join the team that advocates for planting of more trees. It is very simple, it can start with you today, plant that tree and the rest will follow suit.  Please never forget that there is no beauty as natural beauty. There is no pretty flower like a natural flower.

Please feel free to leave any kind of feedback in the comment box, we shall really be glad to know that someone out there has read this beautiful piece and advised us on how to even produce more quality content as far as this nature and flower blog is concerned.
We do greatly appreciate your time.

This article was written by Muhwezi Joshua, an environmental researcher and a florist.

Twitter: @muhwezijosh

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