Tuesday 19 July 2016

Beautiful flowers,DID YOU SEE THIS? CHECK IT OUT HERE!!.

What are we looking at today?

Hello my very wonderful blog readers, today, I want us to sit back and make a review of all the flowers and topics that we have covered so far. We have surely covered a lot so far, that is about fifteen posts and I surely want to thank you so much for that.

This blog has been at the fore front of promoting environmental protection and ensuring that we live in a very good earth without all the effects of climate change like we are seeing today.and its me and you to protect our precious environment.

Looking back at our first article, we shared about how we can protect our precious trees from the dangers of our increasing world population which in turn results into and increasing demand for housing apartments, this in turn results into landlords encroaching on where we have our natural resources and reserves. That is how trees get affected.

 So we are trying so hard to make sure that people understand that they can actually build their apartments without having to harm our precious trees. In-fact, these trees if looked after very well as you put up your apartment, they may turn into one of the best and most beautiful things we can have on earth. Please check out my very first blog article for more details about how you can involve a professional and he or she helps you to make this happen.

Then after that opener about protecting trees when doing construction work, we had a great session about how you can make use of trees to cure your problems. We saw how trees in the African tradition do the magic to the elders after that very heavy lunch. By the way, today I had little food for lunch, I think this is a very good platform, but please, feel free to ignore that.

Then an idea came to my mind, an idea about how to make my articles a little more beautiful, as I pass the message of protecting trees and our environment across. I decided to start writing about flowers, can you imagine how ugly the world would be without flowers? Can you imagine how ugly the would would be selling without the sweet fragrances of flowers? Do you know that the largest portion of the worlds flowers are produced by trees?

That’s when my episodes of flowers started, am glad that the viewership was very good, am still compiling more and more articles about flowers, and I hope that the viewership will be even more that before.

I have learnt a lot from the flowers articles that I have been sharing with you, first of all, I have learnt that there is love in nature, because every moment is a  beauty moment to me these days. Am ever on a look out for the cutest flowers around.

As I conclude, I hope you are enjoying every bit of this blog and always feel  free to contact me and we interact about various topics in relation to how we can make our world a beautiful place.
As I always sign off, today won't be any different, we must do whatever we can to ensure that our nature is safe from the predators, that our trees are safe from deforestation.


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