Friday 1 July 2016

Ohh, Trees Are Beautiful, Check this out

Trees are very soothing and beautiful creatures.

What are we sharing today?

Today, I want to share with you a different perspective of the beauty of our environment and homes. First of all, let me ask you a simple question, have u ever fallen in love with a tree? In this, I mean a specific tree that you miss every time you are away, this may be a fruit tree like a mango tree, jack fruit tree, guava tree or any other. This may be some other tree in your environment or home.

Well, I will assume that you have answered with a yes, or a no. my answer is a yes, I do miss that beautiful mango tree in my father’s compound, the comfort it give me after consuming a kilogram of sweet potatoes at lunch is never equaled. Then there comes the yielding season and the fruits pop in. when we were young, we attempted to keep our eyes open till we notice a mango changing color from green to ripe yellow, but we never succeeded of course. Somehow, those mangoes are tricky and shy somehow, they only ripen at night in the dark when no one is watching them.

Here is some historical perspective.

In Africa, every day is tree day, from morning to evening. Elders lie under tree canopies after a heavy African lunch to get some fresh air, magically, the trees do provide the freshness and before you know it, you are being soothed to take quick nap of which most of us do fall for.

Trees are a creature you look at and you get relieved of all the stresses of life. The way they swing swings away all the misery from your brain. Trees give us free oxygen, what a blessing, free oxygen.

I thank you trees.


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